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Super Mario Bros (1993)

Date watched: 10/7/20

Starring:  Bob HoskinsJohn LeguizamoDennis Hopper

Plot: Two Brooklyn plumbers, Mario and Luigi, must travel to another dimension to rescue a princess from the evil dictator King Koopa and stop him from taking over the world.  (From IMDB)


  • Strap your bone on, kid. We’re goin’ in.
  • Oh-for-five, Oh-for-five. — What percent is that? — I don’t know. Let me think. — I don’t know, but it’s not good.
  • I’m getting arrested for being a plumber.
  • Alien species escaping from police detention… — Aliens? We gotta deal with aliens too? — Luigi, we’re the aliens! — We are? Whoa! Cool!
  • And you know what they say about little girls, don’t you? — No. — Mm? They say… they never forget the first time they’re kissed by a lizard.
  • Was she corpulent? Very corpulent? — No, she was just really round.
  • Dance with me. I’ll hit you all you like.
  • I’d like the Koopa Special. — Pterodactyl tail on that? — Yes. Dino, lizard, hold the mammal, no worms, and…spicy.
  • These pipes haven’t been serviced for years. — Must’ve been a non-union job.
  • We gotta do something. We tripped the alarm. What do you think I am? Stupid? — Yes. How we gonna get up? Huh?
  • Can’t you get somebody to fix the heating? — How can they let us suffer like this? What are they? Cold-blooded? — Yes, moron. They’re reptiles. — Well, just because they’re reptiles…
  • Hey! You must be the missing girls from Brooklyn. — Except Angelica, she’s from Queens, but she’s all right.

Viewer Quotes:

  • “Scapelli’s been trying to force us out ever since we got here. It’s sabotage” — Listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage
  • “I got a feeling.” – That tonight’s going to be a good night
  • I like how they had that news report about the other dimensions at the start — Chekhov’s television program?
  • “Where are we? — I don’t know. Maybe we got knocked unconscious for 100 years and woke up in Manhattan of the future.” — That’s a good first guess…
  • “Good. Now, where’s the rock? — Rock, sir?” — So don’t let him leave the room without us
  • “You must be the great Koopa. — That I am. Ruler of all that you see. A few miserable streets and endless desert.” — Ahh, so like how NY sees the rest of the world
  • She looks like Marv from Home Alone 2

Things we learned:

  • The lizard people really are in charge… just in another dimension
  • Are the Goombas the Proud Boys?

Final Take:

That movie was a pipe dream…


Maximum Overdrive (1986)

Date watched: 9/30/20

Starring: Emilio EstevezPat HingleLaura Harrington 

Plot: A group of people try to survive when machines start to come alive and become homicidal.  (From IMDB)


  • I think I just loaded my pants
  • That’s what I was doing before every machine went into Maximum Overdrive (Drink!)
  • I’ll tell you one thing. — What’s that? — You sure make love like a hero.
  • I like spoons
  • They can’t! We made them! You can’t! We made you! Do you hear? Where’s your sense of loyalty? You things! We made you! We made you! Made you! We made you!
  • You boys are just as crazy as a couple of rats in a plugged-up shithouse!

Viewer Quotes:

  • And the worst part is it was after Labor day and that man was wearing all white
  • You know vending machines kill more people on average than sharks
  • Fuck I could watch kids getting hit with soda cans all day
  • <Asshole Bible salesman gets hit by truck> — Aww… That looked almost survivable…
  • I like the Jesus jukebox
  • Curtis will do anything to get away from you Connie
  • “How many people do you think peed in this? *guy gets water splashed in his face* How did it taste?” — Listen we already knew he was into water sports…
  • Poor Deke… first he gets named Deke… then his dad dies…
  • <building blows up> Oh no! I forgot to clock out! — I guess he is getting… Maximum Overtime
  • I shot the LAW and the… trucks won

Things we learned:

  • “I hope /they/ get run over by a truck”
  • Stephen King was super hopped up on cocaine when he made this (no really, true story)
  • The lawnmower scene went wrong, shot a splinter into the photography director’s eye causing him to lose it, he successfully sued Stephen King for $18M

Final Take:

We didn’t get to this…


Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (2001)

Date watched: 9/23/20

Starring: Phil CaracasMurielle VarhelyiMaria Moulton

Plot: Kung-Fu Action / Comedy / Horror / Musical about the second coming.  (From IMDB)


  • Where have all our lesbians gone?
  • You don’t know us because we haven’t met before
  • If I’m not back in 5 minutes call the pope
  • Hey buddy, you are all up in the kool-aid and you don’t even know the flavor

Viewer Quotes:

  • <Guy with mohawk puts on motorcycle helmet and it’s got a slot in the top so his mohawk can stick through> Ok so I knew it was going to happen but…. — But it’s still amazing to see
  • Are they lesbian vampires? Or are they vampires who only eat lesbians? — You are what you eat…
  • There are no atheists in foxholes because they are all in this jeep
  • I’m getting a team rocket vibe from the atheists
  • Who the fuck takes a laptop into a steam room — Someone who shows up at the IT desk and says “I don’t know why it’s not working”
  • You know I heard Jesus drove a Honda… but he didn’t like to speak about it… “For I do not speak of my own Accord” — That would be funny if we didn’t all already know that joke
  • He’s having a stroke! Someone save him!
  • Huh… He almost laughed as long as that woman screamed
  • It must be a Budweiser so he can bless the water
  • You’ve got to be kidney-ing me…

Things we learned:

  • Jesus is an ass-man
  • If you are going to steal skin make it a lesbian’s?
  • Nostalgia’s a hell of a drug
  • You can fit 50 atheists in a car

Final Take:

Keep some mirrors around so you can tell who the vampires, Jesus is really bad at scat, and Canada has some latent lesbian problems they need to deal with.


Suck (2009)

Date watched: 9/16/20

Starring: Rob StefaniukJessica ParéPaul Anthony

Plot: A comedy centered on a rock ‘n’ roll band that will do anything to become famous. (From IMDB)


  • I wanna dedicate this next song to all the lovely ladies in Rockin’ Roger’s rock ‘n’ roll past. And, ladies, if you’re burning and itching, you might wanna see a doctor – immediately.
  • Montreal, land of Hugo’s birth. Many women will be very pleased to hear of my return. — Yeah, no matter how long you go away, you always come back. You’re like herpes. — Hugo’s not like herpes. — Hugo’s a lot like herpes. — No, he’s not. — Very similar.
  • Let’s just face it, Joey. We’re both getting a little long in the tooth.
  • Can we load the gear, please? — <Puts hand on Joey’s shoulder and says very calmly> Yes, Joey, /we/ can.
  • This is why I broke up with her. — She dumped you. — <Third guy says> Yeah, for being an insensitive prick. Her words, not mine.
  • Yeah, I know. Um… we hit a little snag. — You want money. — Why… why are you being like that? — You don’t want money? — Yeah, I want money, but there’s no reason to be cruel and weird about it. — I am not being cruel and weird. — Yeah, you are. You’re being cruel and weird, making me feel like total shit.
  • Sorry, Tyler, I’m a little distracted about my girlfriend throwing a beer bottle at me. — I think it’s pretty safe to call her your ex-girlfriend now.
  • We should all be afraid of darkness. — I’m afraid of spiders.
  • Citizenship? — American. — What was the purpose of your trip to Canada? — Uh… yes… Hunting. — Any weapons in the vehicle, sir? — Oh, yeah, yeah, lots of weapons! — Welcome home.
  • That’s quite a nosebleed (guy is covered in blood). You okay there, bud? — Εverything’s normal. — Good enough for me. Let’s go.
  • This is Rockin’ Roger and you’re listening to KCOS. Touch yourself, touch your friends, but…don’t touch that dial.
  • Oh, my God, you smell so good. — It’s about fucking time someone noticed. You know what? I taste really good, too. — Really? — Yeah. — You wanna meet Βaby Βeef? <She goes to her knees, we hear a scream, and we hard-cut to someone taking a bite of a sub sandwich>
  • Where’d all that blood come from? — From the show. — You just left here clean and you come back covered in mystery blood. You wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?! — You’re stoned? Βye-bye. — What are we smoking?
  • Nobody likes a judge! — Yeah, no one likes a vampire either.
  • Dude, let me tell you what I’ve learned in my many, many travels: always use a condom, and never trust a goddamn vampire.
  • And, dude, being famous ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Can’t go to a movie, can’t go to a bar, cops arrest you, ask for your autograph. It’s bullshit.
  • And you, you take Sam down with you? — Sam’s a big boy. — I don’t need people making my decisions. — Yeah, you do! You’re a drummer!
  • How am I gonna look at myself in the mirror again? — You can’t. You’re a vampire. — <Third guy> Yeah, you just gotta suck it up.
  • You just released a single. What is it? — It’s called Suck. — I’ve heard it. It does. Oh! Rockin’ Roger on the radio comin’ right to you live! — Did you just say our song sucked on the radio? — No! I said it on television! We’ve hidden the cameras. — What cameras? — Kids, you all have to lay off the drugs, okay?
  • Yeah. I’m scared, all right?! You happy? — I am not happy. I am vampire. I’m only happy when something dies. — Is that supposed to make me feel better?
  • Vampires are ultimately cool.
  • Headline: Vampires eat Jones Brothers
  • I will put us first, before everything else from now on. I promise. — Garbage? — I’ll take it out. — Toilet seat? — Down. — Sex? — From now on, you come first… in everything.

Viewer Quotes:

  • Alice Cooper is actually an unscripted part — Is that for real? — No but tell me I’m lying… *1 minute late* Alice Cooper did provide all his own clothes (except for 1 outfit) because he knew they were on a limited budget
  • “They totally suck” — Drink… — Yeah, I think that’s fair
  • He got to Toronto pretty quickly and just walked into the club with a Maglite…
  • I can’t read the signs — It doesn’t matter, it’s just that he is at a crossroads — The signs are: Fame and Obscurity and then on the other” Future and Past
  • Oh, he is making a deal with the devil, never mind
  • “Are you in a band? — Yeah. — Sweet! I used to play in a band! — Really? What kind of stuff did you — Takes me back. Rock on, dudes.” — The power of MUSIC! — The power of rock compels you!
  • It took me a minute to realize that girl is “Megan Draper”, Don Draper’s second wife — I keep thinking of here as Liv Tyler lite — Budget friendly Liv Tyler — Blue light special Liv Tyler
  • I’m a big fan of the rough/unexpected audio cuts **10 seconds later the audio picks right back up** Ok, that’s even better
  • <Vampire stabs straw in guy’s neck and drinks it> — Damn it I thought we were past using straws — That’s why we use metal straws now
  • (Re: Hugo)We’ve all seen What we do in the Shadows, we know how this ends
  • With the pole dancing girls I said “I swear the one on the left looks like Paris Hilton” and I went to look it up and immediately wished I hadn’t googled “Is Paris Hilton in suck?”
  • There are starving vampires in China, you finish your Iggy Pop!
  • Ahh, BYOB…
  • Do vampires have to be invited into another vampire’s houses?

Things we learned:

  • Don’t go home with dandy pretty boy vampires and then not expect your whole band to end up as vampires with regret like 10 days later..
  • Vampires are the ultimate cool.
  • Sucks to suck
  • Vampires appear to be rather common in the music industry

Final Take:

Maybe think more about turning yourself into a vampire… a lot of buyers remorse in this movie. Poor Hugo. When entering into a contract with a vampire request your immortality upfront.


Ice Sharks (2016)

Date watched: 9/9/20

Starring: Edward DeRuiterJenna ParkerKaiwi Lyman

Plot: A group of scientists at a research facility based on Antarctica battle a breed of sharks that have invaded Antarctic waters.  (From IMDB)


  • Literally none…

Viewer Quotes:

  • Oh, so she didn’t use the harpoon to shoot the shark but instead to almost shoot David and have him grab it… ok
  • They are using the same footage whenever they shoot the base so drink whenever you see it
  • Ahh so all scientists know all the different shark types — And the nicknames for them‽‽
  • They are making SO, SO many assumptions
  • Irish-y, Canadian, Amish…?? (About Aput’s accent)
  • What is his leg stuffed with?
  • *Camera zooms in on bolt cutters* — I’m sure those won’t come back later — Chekhov’s bolt cutters?
  • “We have to get out of here and seal the room” — Don’t introduce more animals, how are seals going to fix this?
  • What are the sharks doing? — They are having trouble rendering I think…
  • Are they sinking to the bottom? — I’m sure this facility was designed to operate underwater…
  • They are having a kiki, they’ve locked the doors and lowered the blinds
  • When they heard the door open they all acted like “Oh no is it the shark, oh no, it’s just our guy”
  • They sure love those bubble animations
  • That’s the best shade I’ve seen thrown at a coworker “Besides, you need to stay here to monitor the situation. You’re the best at that.”
  • I told you it was an “Up” situation, there are balloons

Things we learned:

  • They saved money on the special effect by combining it with the catering services (the “meat” used for his leg getting bitten off)
  • Movie scientists are idiots (but also know all about sharks?)
  • You can be exposed to freezing water and be fine
  • Don’t try to raise a laboratory with a helicopter when you have a crane on your boat
  • Apparently sharks are the one creature on this planet that can mutate to survive everywhere

Final Take:

Why are they swimming so far away from the lab? We kind of wish the sharks had eaten them all, we were cheering for them in the end.


Ginger Snaps (2000)

Date watched: 9/2/20

Starring: Emily PerkinsKatharine IsabelleKris Lemche

Plot: Two death-obsessed sisters, outcasts in their suburban neighborhood, must deal with the tragic consequences when one of them is bitten by a deadly werewolf.  (From IMDB)


  • Wrists are for girls… I’m slitting my throat.
  • I get this ache and … I thought it was for sex, but it’s to tear everything into fucking pieces.

Viewer Quotes:

  • Why doesn’t doesn’t she just cut herself with that attitude? It’s so edgy.
  • ** Stopped the movie to make sure we weren’t going to have to see any more dead dogs/dogs being killed **
  • Werewolf Baby — Damnit, I was about to say that but my mouth was full of whisky
  • **Mom puts the fingers in the Tupperware in the fridge** — It’s finger food
  • Lycanthr-tea, there it is
  • Drag dealer — he’s not a drug dealer he is self funded botanist — Small batch herb vender — Single planter herbs

Things we learned:

  • A thick, syrupy, voluminous discharge is not uncommon.
  • Don’t let your sister’s puberty control your freshman year
  • Safe sex can prevent Lycanthropy
  • Your local drug dealer will help you with mystical infections

Final Take:

That Ginger is a total bitch.


Trancers (1984)

Date watched: 8/26/20

Starring:  Tim ThomersonHelen HuntMichael Stefani

Plot: A gruff bounty hunter travels back in time to 1980s Los Angeles to stop a twisted criminal who can transform people into zombie-like creatures.  (From IMDB)


  • He was a good cop. … Until a Trancer killed his wife.
  • “Lost Angeles” on a sign
  • Did you mean what you said last night? — Yeah, sure. What did I say last night? — Phil, come on! You said that making love to me was like the ethereal union of two lost souls.
  • Dry hair is for squids.
  • Security? We’ve got trouble at the North Pole.
  • If I see you in L.A. again I don’t care if you are a kid or an old lady or a kitty-Kat. I’m going to kick your ass.

Viewer Quotes:

  • What is Helen Hunt doing in this film?
  • So this is Blade Runner? — Discount Blade Runner. — This is Butter Knife Runner
  • How come that guy looks so much like Stephen Fry?
  • So now we know where Assassins Creed got the idea from
  • Oh dear god, we have a confederate flag jean jacket
  • “I’ll kill you and your bitchin’ girlfriend.” — Not “bitch of a” but “bitchin'”
  • Wait, did he go back in time into his ancestor’s body? <While he is hooking up with his ancestor’s one-night-stand> — We have a real Futurama situation here
  • That’s Leonard from Community, that’s how I found this movie!
  • All this DX7 is killing me
  • “This room is clean” — This house is clean!
  • Please tell me this is the guy on the baseball card — 1 minute later — Called it

Things we learned:

  • When you move at the speed of light your actions won’t be proportional to the speed they should be
  • If you move at the speed of light you will always save Helen Hunt instead of killing the bad guy
  • Fashion really is circular, shoulder-pad will come back (in 2247)
  • Could you say the budget was…. padded?

Final Take:

Don’t get high and go see Blade Runner and then think “I could do this”


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978)

Date watched: 8/19/20

Starring: David MillerGeorge WilsonSharon Taylor

Plot: A group of scientists band together to save the world from mutated killer tomatoes.  (From IMDB)


  • The tomatoes are coming!
  • Tomatoes can’t fly! — Yeah? — They can’t eat people either, but they’re doing one heck of an impression.
  • We’ll never have another president as bad as this one.
  • I know what you mean, Jim. I know what you mean. It’s like trying to stack bibles on whipped cream.
  • That’s right. You know, they said I’d never get reelected, especially after it got out that I used the Statue of Liberty as collateral on that Arab loan.
  • “FIA Unmarked Car Pool” – on side of car
  • We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin. The following is an NBS hotline bulletin with Douglas Keikler in New York. NBS… the network that brings you the news as it happens, brings you these bulletins in times of emergency, the news you need to know when you need to know it, on NBS, the network of the news. This NBS news hotline bulletin is brought to you by Schritz Beer. You’re never too drunk to ask for Schritz. And by Bright Gums, the toothpaste for people without teeth or dentures. And by…
  • *To dead body* — Mr. Dixon has ordered me to inform you that there’s tomato activity in your sector. *Salutes body and walks off*
  • You know, Dixon, a man stops to think at a time like this about his home, his wife, his kids. — You married, major? — No. — Me either.
  • You’re awfully confident for a man who has failed twice. — Three times, but who’s counting?

Viewer Quotes:

  • <Every time it’s referred to as a vegetable> — FRUIT!
  • She looks William Dafoe with long hair — she is his mother — green goblin grandma — Skeletor’s Sister — Skelet-her
  • “You go disguise yourself as a tomato and infiltrate their camp.” – I’m calling it, that’s going to be to plot twist that works — *A while later, he says while in the tomato camp eating: “Hey, will somebody please pass the ketchup?” I don’t think it worked*
  • He remind me of the male lead in The Great Muppet Caper (Charles Grodin)
  • Why do they have to cover their ears? — Because it’s a terrible song?
  • How is no one stepping on his parachute? — That’s all I’ve been thinking about since they started running
  • So the long lost Belushi brother found love with Skeltor’s sister

Things we learned:

  • The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes song was played as the morning wakeup so Columbia space shuttle, it was an inside joke because they took up 1.5M tomato seeds into space that were then given to school children for experiments
  • The helicopter crash was real (like it was a mistake), it cost them $60K (more than the rest of the movie combined, $100K total). No one was hurt so they kept it in the movie
  • The person who sang “Puberty Love” became the drummer for Soundgarden and Pearl Jam
  • The guy with the parachute ended up being a state senator in CA and ended up getting the law passed that growers in CA had to label if tomatoes were artificially ripened or vine ripened
  • The guy with the parachute tripped and smacked his head into a car during the dragging scene (he did all of own stunts). They were afraid he might have died, they had no release mechanism for the parachute.

Songs (names by us):

“Attack of the Killer Tomatoes”

Attack of the killer tomatoes
attack of the killer tomatoes
they’ll beat you, bash you, squish you, mash you
chew you up for brunch
and finish you off for dinner or lunch
they’re marching down the halls
they’re crawling up the walls
they’re gooey, gushy, squishy, mushy
rotten to the core
they’re standing outside your door
remember Herbert Farbage
while taking out his garbage
he turned around, and he did see
tomatoes hiding in his tree
now he’s just a memory
I know I’m going to miss her
a tomato ate my sister
sacramento fell today
they’re marching into San Jose
tomatoes are on their way
the mayor is on vacation
the governor’s fled the nation
the police have gone on strike today
the national guard has run away
tomatoes will have their day
attack of the killer tomatoes
attack of the killer tomatoes
they’ll beat you, bash you, squish you, mash you
chew you up for brunch
and finish you off for dinner or lunch, munch, munch
dinner or lunch, munch, munch
dinner or lunch


Some sell, some buy, and only we know why
the wrap is more important than the prize
important decisions are made each day
much too important for the plain folk to make
they’re always in a bind
depend on us to help make up their mind
red box, blue box, a red box and a blue box
bright colors and a coupon on the side
hard sell or soft sell, it’s all the same
millions of dollar bills are spent every day
where do they all go?
Mindmaker’s here to run the show
we sell cars and toys for girls and boys
and chairs and beds and shrunken heads
sugar beets and baseball cleats and ice to eskimos
leeks and mink and boats that sink
no matter what, we’ll get it sold
we’ll use catchy jingles, snappy tunes and pretty girls with big balloons
a little lie, a stretch of truth can turn the public’s head
there’s TV types and ad execs and everyone’s the best
and yet
they all look up
to a single man
and that one single man
is… me!
They sell, they buy, and only I know why
the human mind is putty in my hands
important decisions are made each day
much more important for the plain folk to make
they’re always in a bind
depend on me to help make up their mind
demographically speaking


We stopped the Germans in ’45, then we crushed the viet cong (almost)
for a greater glory we could never strive
this crop uprising will not last long ain’t no time to make a fuss
we got to get those tomatoes
before they get us we’re gonna beat ’em, mash ’em,
squish ’em, bash ’em in the street
we’re gonna kick ’em, kick ’em, mush ’em, crush ’em with our feet
we’re gonna meet them, munch them, crunch them, gonna stomp ’em in place
we’ll squish them, we’ll mash them
we’ll mush them, we’ll crush them
we stopped to negotiate at the first attack
we gave ’em Alabama but they gave it right back
tomatoes, tomatoes
they said we’d live together like sister and brother
but they captured a cannery and bottled my mother
now she’s at the store and they’ll soon be back for more
those tomatoes

“Puberty Love”

puberty love
there is nothing like puberty love
it’s so deep
it’s so cool

“The first time I saw you”

The first time i saw you
I hated your guts
I felt your love
for cigarette butts
but now that I’ve touched you
I always will love you
my love for you will never dim
until all the fish can’t swim
the first time i saw you
was such a thrill to me
I felt your nose
tickle my knee
our love will be classy
like Timmy and Lassie
I know that you’re ever mine
until the very end of time

Final Take:

The government never gets any better, the more things change the more things stay the same. There were a number of jokes that didn’t age well.


Jaws: The Revenge (1987)

Date watched: 8/12/20

Starring: Lorraine GaryLance GuestMario Van Peebles

Plot: Chief Brody’s widow believes that her family is deliberately being targeted by another shark in search of revenge.  (From IMDB)


  • You’re as sneaky as your father was. He was the tomato thief of all time.
  • Sharp shirt, Jake. — Hey, may your sex life be as busy as your shirt.
  • I want you to change your work. … You’re all I have left. I don’t want you working in the water.
  • I’ve always wanted to make love to an angry welder. I’ve dreamed of nothing else since I was a small boy.
  • I feel too old to be in this thing. — I hope not. I am counting on a long, happy sex life.

Viewer Quotes:

  • “get away from the rope swing!” but I’m going to swim in the fucking ocean
  • Let it be a dream —- IT’S A DREAM!
  • I love how this women has a telepathic sense for the shark – I’ve felt a great disturbance in the force
  • My biggest take-way, so far, is I now want to do Christmas through New Years in FIJI
  • So he is just gaslighting his mother? I just saw a great white but I’m going to let you keep thinking that you are insane
  • “This is the third time this month you’ve forgotten to take it out.” – That’s what…. never mind
  • AGAIN gaslighting, she sense’s there is something wrong and he says it’s about garbage
  • I like the big wobbly fin
  • When an eel bites your hand and that’s not what you planned, that’s a moray
  • Ermahgerd… shrk
  • He may be a terrible husband but he has a great stare, look at those blue eyes
  • I’m going to call this right now, Michael Cain and this fucking plane are the best parts of this movie
  • “Any faster, this thing’ll be a flying Cuisinart and we’ll be diced into oblivion.” — Is that how planes work?
  • That’s why this is the worst JAWS movie, only 2 people died

Things we learned:

  • Gaslighting is bad kids

Final Take:

Michael Cain is the best thing in this movie. Sharks aren’t all that deadly (in this movie)


Age Of Dinosaurs (2013)

Date watched: 8/05/20

Starring: Treat WilliamsRonny CoxJillian Rose Reed

Plot: Hundreds of dinosaurs created by a biotech firm escape into Los Angeles, and wreak havoc on the city. (From IMDB)


  • At the end of the day, it’s not about Stocks. Or investments or even old men who can walk again. It’s about cool, Kick ass cool.
  • I don’t care how crazy it sounds. I need to know.
  • No. You’re a fire fighter find us a way out. You have to.
  • Can Dinosaurs climb? … Dr. Carson. You’re a vet. Do Dinosaurs Climb?
  • You’re not gonna believe this, Dinosaurs have taken over the building. … Son. I am in no mood for Jokes. … Snaps picture on flip phone and sends it with message “No Joke!”
  • I didn’t ask to bring this freakshow to life! I just made it happen. 🤔
  • Uncle Leo! I’m trapped. — Thank god. 🤨
  • …and as you can see the military is in control of the situation. Seemingly they are shooting anything on site, that is big, moving, and reptilian.
  • And then they just die? <dramatic pause> It depends.
  • Sir you can’t be here. – I’m LAFD. – Shit! Well then help us!
  • And his final words were… Final words. Final words. Of course. Rock and Roll.
  • Hey, you’re really not gonna- Yes you are… <helicopter does a barrel-roll> whoa! You’re good. — I know.
  • Bye, Bye, Birdie.

Viewer Quotes:

  • I really hope we get a “Release Me” scene – 3 min later – *dinosaur does independence day scene* 🙌
  • The back of his chair looks like someone spray painted a cardboard box
  • Hey, that’s the NuMbEr OnE FiReFiGhTeR iN tHe CiTy, he doesn’t give a shit
  • Don’t taze me bro
  • Dinosaur in the kitchen moment!
  • Get to tha choppar

Things we learned:

  • Firefighters are universally known and widely respected. Saying you are a firefighter will get SWAT to put down their guns
  • The city is still full of dinosaurs but seems like a good place to end the movie 🤷‍♂️ 👍

Final Take:

Firefighters aren’t just cool…. they are kick-ass cool!