Date watched: 5/5/21
Starring: James Marsden, Katie Holmes, Nick Stahl
Plot: The new kid in Cradle Bay, Washington stumbles across something sinister about the town’s method of transforming its unruly teens into upstanding citizens. (From IMDB)
- Keggers can’t be choosers
- “Denial” ain’t just a river in Italy, bud.
- When you soar with the eagles, the pigeons below look pedestrian.
- It’s not what you think. It’s a new kind of cool. You feel better, freer. I’ve never felt so alive in my life. — It’s humanity’s sacred essence. — A new and finer age. — Go forward. Be the ball.
- Come on. — Not so fast. — What? — What’s the capital of North Dakota? — How the fuck should I know? — Okay, you’re cool. Get in.
- Hey, teacher! Leave those kids alone!
Viewer Quotes:
- We are supposed to believe they are his parents? That they created that fucking angel? — The mom was fucking around
- “What are you shitbirds doing down here?” – Favorite character, calling it
- She’s got predator vision!
- 90’s movie rainy front porch scene, check.
- Get that mug a father of the year award
- I see they went the school of “How to make psychiatric wards look menacing”
- What the name of this film? (4 times)
Things we learned:
- Anytime you want sex you need to be like “Hey, give up the plate”
- I had a brother onceā¦
- Don’t move out of Chicago
- Who knew Chicago was the safer town?
Rule 34 Titles:
- Disturbing Bedroom Behavior
- Disturbing Behavior [NC17]
Final Take:
What was the name of the movie just watched?