
Once Bitten (1985)

Date watched: 2/17/20

Starring: Lauren HuttonJim CarreyKaren Kopins

Plot: A vampire Countess needs to drink the blood of a virgin in order to keep her eternal beauty. It seems that all is hopeless, until she bumps into Mark Kendall.  (From IMDB)


  • Come on. I wouldn’t say nothing. Not if she got down on her knees and… pauses get’s hit by friends
  • Are you a prostitute? — I’m whatever you want me to be. — Good, because I only have $5.
  • Okay, Sebastian. Out of the closet. — Effeminate man exits the closet I came out of the closet centuries ago.
  • We’ll be seeing each other again soon? — Yeah. I have a bit of a problem. — A problem? — Yeah. See, I’m sort of committed… to this really nice girl. — I don’t mind. I’ve often been the other woman. — That’s real unselfish of you. Tell you what, I’ll be in touch.
  • Hands them ice cream Start your day off with a smile. — How sweet of you.
  • On his friend’s T-shirt: “Freelance Gynecologist”
  • I can’t believe you’ll throw away our relationship on a one-night stand… with a chauffeur and a butler and a slut who eats buttons.
  • Father, forgive me, ’cause I think I might have sinned.
  • I’m starting to freak out. You’re the only one I can turn to. What can I do? — Get yourself a shovel. You’re in deep shit.
  • Who cares what those assholes think? What were they doing in the showers in the first place? — They were washing. We were enacting a prison rape scene.
  • How would you like your crotch set on fire? — Ooo, Rough trade.
  • Mark doesn’t want you, because you’re mean and evil. He wants me, because I’m nice and sweet and pure. So fuck off!
  • Man smashes through door — Wait a minute! I have to replace every door you people smash. Can’t you at least try the knob first? — opens unlocked door
  • I need a virgin! — Countess, don’t worry. There are other virgins out there. Somewhere, in places like Kansas… Nebraska.

Viewer Quotes:

  • As someone that uses their phone in bed in the morning, I can get behind the TV in the coffin
  • What an asshole pressuring his girlfriend…. Not going to lie, I’d do it in an ice cream trunk.
  • “Do you have creamsicle?” — Haha, “creamsicle” — He’s going to give her his creamsicle 😏
  • How about an angry hand job?
  • Drink every time the title is said -> Once Bitten song plays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0C3SV2ePGg
  • To the girlfriend: Shantay, you stay — That was absolutely a lip-sync your life
  • I sent Jim Carey a letter and he sent back a signed photo. The sad thing is I think I misplaced it. — I get that, I did the same with 100BTC — Yeah, it’s no signed photo of Jim Carry but I guess it’s the same 🤣
  • She should have just hopped on while he was still strapped in
  • They missed an opportunity to hide in the coffins

Things we learned:

  • If you have sex, vampires won’t come for you
  • Get stronger thread for your buttons
  • If you get the opportunity, have sex in an ice cream truck
  • Friends let friends look at their dicks, if you ask nicely
  • To quote my mother: “sex is not a bad thing”

Final Take:

That was a bad title for the movie, it’s not once bitten, it’s thrice bitten. #DontJudgeAMovieByItsTitle