
Tremors: Shrieker Island (2020)

Date watched: 10/28/20

Starring: Jackie CruzMichael GrossJon Heder

Plot: Graboids are illegally taken to a new island resort by a rich playboy as a dangerous form of trophy hunting, and Burt Gummer steps up to save the day.  (From IMDB)


  • Okay, I’m gonna start leading by example and run. I suggest you do the same!
  • Travis is in a Mexican jail. Don’t ask. Long story.
  • Before you begin your Graboid-slaying quest, do yourself a favor and get something bigger than that 308. That’s like spitting at Godzilla.
  • Well, why didn’t he come after you? You’re obviously the alpha. — She’s culling the weakest from the herd first. — Oh, crap. That means I’m next.
  • The underbelly is what you want. Legs, feet, groin, all the soft stuff. — Go for the groin. Got it. Let’s go medieval on these ugly slime bags. — I thought we were going Rambo. — Oh, uh… You go Rambo. I’ve got the chainsaw. I’m going Evil Dead.
  • Who needs guns when you got Pennsylvania steel?
  • Destiny’s a bitch.
  • We draw her to the edge of the cliff and over. — And then we lunge out of the way at the last second? — Something like that.
  • “Vaya con diablo, mija.” ~~ “Go with the devil my daughter”

Viewer Quotes:

  • Parkour!
  • Clever Girl (x2, at the same time)
  • “You see this whiskey? It’s a 50-year-old Balvenie. It costs 50 grand a bottle. […] — To me, it’s just whiskey.” — Now I ain’t never hit a lady….
  • I mean if you’re going to shit yourself at least you are already in a bathroom
  • Muzzle discipline is non-existent on Shrieker Island
  • Why did they bring ballistas when they have all the guns in the world? I mean why? And they know they’re underground?
  • Get that bitch some tea and dynamite, bitches love tea and dynamite
  • Also I’m never choosing the chainsaw over a flamethrower, one of them is ranged… — We were just saying the same thing

Things we learned:

  • This was a surprisingly good movie.
  • Stop copying the jurassic park cookie-cutter “we are going to bring back dinosaurs but make them more dangerous”
  • Jurassic park must have stolen some things from Tremors (’93 vs ’90)
  • The original ones had more “real” graphics while later ones went with more CGI

Final Take:

Burt Gummer isn’t dead until I see the body — I need the long-form death certificate…