
Trancers (1984)

Date watched: 8/26/20

Starring:  Tim ThomersonHelen HuntMichael Stefani

Plot: A gruff bounty hunter travels back in time to 1980s Los Angeles to stop a twisted criminal who can transform people into zombie-like creatures.  (From IMDB)


  • He was a good cop. … Until a Trancer killed his wife.
  • “Lost Angeles” on a sign
  • Did you mean what you said last night? — Yeah, sure. What did I say last night? — Phil, come on! You said that making love to me was like the ethereal union of two lost souls.
  • Dry hair is for squids.
  • Security? We’ve got trouble at the North Pole.
  • If I see you in L.A. again I don’t care if you are a kid or an old lady or a kitty-Kat. I’m going to kick your ass.

Viewer Quotes:

  • What is Helen Hunt doing in this film?
  • So this is Blade Runner? — Discount Blade Runner. — This is Butter Knife Runner
  • How come that guy looks so much like Stephen Fry?
  • So now we know where Assassins Creed got the idea from
  • Oh dear god, we have a confederate flag jean jacket
  • “I’ll kill you and your bitchin’ girlfriend.” — Not “bitch of a” but “bitchin'”
  • Wait, did he go back in time into his ancestor’s body? <While he is hooking up with his ancestor’s one-night-stand> — We have a real Futurama situation here
  • That’s Leonard from Community, that’s how I found this movie!
  • All this DX7 is killing me
  • “This room is clean” — This house is clean!
  • Please tell me this is the guy on the baseball card — 1 minute later — Called it

Things we learned:

  • When you move at the speed of light your actions won’t be proportional to the speed they should be
  • If you move at the speed of light you will always save Helen Hunt instead of killing the bad guy
  • Fashion really is circular, shoulder-pad will come back (in 2247)
  • Could you say the budget was…. padded?

Final Take:

Don’t get high and go see Blade Runner and then think “I could do this”