
Jaws: The Revenge (1987)

Date watched: 8/12/20

Starring: Lorraine GaryLance GuestMario Van Peebles

Plot: Chief Brody’s widow believes that her family is deliberately being targeted by another shark in search of revenge.  (From IMDB)


  • You’re as sneaky as your father was. He was the tomato thief of all time.
  • Sharp shirt, Jake. — Hey, may your sex life be as busy as your shirt.
  • I want you to change your work. … You’re all I have left. I don’t want you working in the water.
  • I’ve always wanted to make love to an angry welder. I’ve dreamed of nothing else since I was a small boy.
  • I feel too old to be in this thing. — I hope not. I am counting on a long, happy sex life.

Viewer Quotes:

  • “get away from the rope swing!” but I’m going to swim in the fucking ocean
  • Let it be a dream —- IT’S A DREAM!
  • I love how this women has a telepathic sense for the shark – I’ve felt a great disturbance in the force
  • My biggest take-way, so far, is I now want to do Christmas through New Years in FIJI
  • So he is just gaslighting his mother? I just saw a great white but I’m going to let you keep thinking that you are insane
  • “This is the third time this month you’ve forgotten to take it out.” – That’s what…. never mind
  • AGAIN gaslighting, she sense’s there is something wrong and he says it’s about garbage
  • I like the big wobbly fin
  • When an eel bites your hand and that’s not what you planned, that’s a moray
  • Ermahgerd… shrk
  • He may be a terrible husband but he has a great stare, look at those blue eyes
  • I’m going to call this right now, Michael Cain and this fucking plane are the best parts of this movie
  • “Any faster, this thing’ll be a flying Cuisinart and we’ll be diced into oblivion.” — Is that how planes work?
  • That’s why this is the worst JAWS movie, only 2 people died

Things we learned:

  • Gaslighting is bad kids

Final Take:

Michael Cain is the best thing in this movie. Sharks aren’t all that deadly (in this movie)