
Age Of Dinosaurs (2013)

Date watched: 8/05/20

Starring: Treat WilliamsRonny CoxJillian Rose Reed

Plot: Hundreds of dinosaurs created by a biotech firm escape into Los Angeles, and wreak havoc on the city. (From IMDB)


  • At the end of the day, it’s not about Stocks. Or investments or even old men who can walk again. It’s about cool, Kick ass cool.
  • I don’t care how crazy it sounds. I need to know.
  • No. You’re a fire fighter find us a way out. You have to.
  • Can Dinosaurs climb? … Dr. Carson. You’re a vet. Do Dinosaurs Climb?
  • You’re not gonna believe this, Dinosaurs have taken over the building. … Son. I am in no mood for Jokes. … Snaps picture on flip phone and sends it with message “No Joke!”
  • I didn’t ask to bring this freakshow to life! I just made it happen. 🤔
  • Uncle Leo! I’m trapped. — Thank god. 🤨
  • …and as you can see the military is in control of the situation. Seemingly they are shooting anything on site, that is big, moving, and reptilian.
  • And then they just die? <dramatic pause> It depends.
  • Sir you can’t be here. – I’m LAFD. – Shit! Well then help us!
  • And his final words were… Final words. Final words. Of course. Rock and Roll.
  • Hey, you’re really not gonna- Yes you are… <helicopter does a barrel-roll> whoa! You’re good. — I know.
  • Bye, Bye, Birdie.

Viewer Quotes:

  • I really hope we get a “Release Me” scene – 3 min later – *dinosaur does independence day scene* 🙌
  • The back of his chair looks like someone spray painted a cardboard box
  • Hey, that’s the NuMbEr OnE FiReFiGhTeR iN tHe CiTy, he doesn’t give a shit
  • Don’t taze me bro
  • Dinosaur in the kitchen moment!
  • Get to tha choppar

Things we learned:

  • Firefighters are universally known and widely respected. Saying you are a firefighter will get SWAT to put down their guns
  • The city is still full of dinosaurs but seems like a good place to end the movie 🤷‍♂️ 👍

Final Take:

Firefighters aren’t just cool…. they are kick-ass cool!