
Help! (1965)

Date watched: 7/29/20

Starring: John LennonPaul McCartneyGeorge Harrison

Plot: Sir Ringo Starr finds himself the human sacrifice target of a cult, and his fellow members of The Beatles must try to protect him from it. (From IMDB)


  • Flee! — Will you explain everything when the opportunity presents itself?
  • The fire brigade once got my head out of some railings. – Did you want them to? – No. I left it there when not at school. You can see a lot of the world from railings.
  • There might be some insurance. — I wouldn’t think of such a thing! … Find out.
  • I don’t understand a word. I don’t speak the language. Latin, yes. But this Eastern babble, no.
  • There’s a strong case for arming the police. We’re not all masochists.
  • *Equal to exactly one one hundredth of all the explosives exploded during WWII*
  • You haven’t used that finger in the past hour and we’re in danger. Me and Paul haven’t seen you use of that finger, have we? – No
  • It’s Raja, the famous Bengal man-eater who escaped from the zoo this morning. – So it is! – Don’t worry, he’s harmless. All you have to do is sing Beethoven’s Ode to Joy from the 9th symphony.
  • After them! … Slowly
  • Get sacrificed! I don’t subscribe to your religion!

Viewer Quotes:

  • *Blank stares* *Stunned silence* *General agreement that we need drugs to watch this movie*
  • Is this supposed to be Flowers for Algernon reference? – Sort of
  • 🎵 Come to my window 🎵

Things we learned:

  • Across the Universe is the only Beatles-themed movie worth watching that has artistic merit

Final Take:

If you have access to drugs you might want to take them prior to watching this. It’s something else…