
Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009)

Date watched: 5/27/20

Starring: Paul McGannJames CordenMathew Horne, MyAnna Buring

Plot: Their women having been enslaved by the local pack of lesbian vampires thanks to an ancient curse, the remaining menfolk of a rural town send two hapless young lads out onto the moors as a sacrifice. (From IMDB)


  • When girls kiss
  • Misogynist camera / The Breast Movie Experience


  • And with that, he lopped her fucking head off
  • A medieval gay bar
  • She is much much more than your average vampire queen
  • It’s your turn to go with the larger one
  • Fuck this, run you bellends
  • I reckon we are all going to die horribly, have a beer
  • Even dead women’d sooner sleep with each other than get with me. Next it will be gay werewolves
  • All we have to do is sit tight till morning, I mean it’s not like I’m going to say “Hey lesbian vampires, come into our cottage”… Oh shit
  • It draws it’s power from the demon dildo (pronounced de-al-do)
  • That’s my penis
  • There is only one solution — The cock sword?
  • Mate, that sword has a cock for a handle
  • Sorry, you’re not my type
  • Unbelievable, saved the day and not even a kiss
  • Are you suggesting we become Lesbian Vampire Killers?

Viewer Quotes:

  • What is Littlefinger doing here? (timestamp 42:40)
  • Just to be clear, those are condoms filled with holy water? — That will never work. Have you seen the commercials, they can fill those will 2 gallons before they pop
  • Alright Palpatine, calm down
  • She stole queen Amidala’s wig
  • It would almost be romantic if so many people hadn’t died — Don’t kink shame
  • It feels so right in his hand

Things we learned:

  • All witches gyrate the same way (coming from a recent watch of Witches and Bitches)
  • While a sword would not normally be effective against a vampire I guess a dildo sword is against lesbian vampires.
  • Lesbian vampires explode with jizz when they are killed.

Final Take:


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